Tuesday, February 23, 2010

what's up in vocal music??
Things we are working on k-2 introduction to the staff (lines and spaces)Every Good Boy Does Fine you remember!

3-8 is working on the Music Man/ Musical show date is march 26th 7:00p.m.
We will continue with weekly practices and starting in march I want the full company to rehearse everyday after school. For the transportation there will be a bus that will return children to Graettinger after the practice. Practice will end at 4:45 and students will get on the bus and be returned to Graettinger at that time.

I will also be having practices on a few Saturdays. The dates are Sat. March 6th Sat. March 13th and Sat March 20th for these practices on Saturday I will not have transportation for your child. Parents will have to find rides for children as I do not have a bus or driver for those days.
The practice time will be 1:00 to 3:00.

Please parents start finding costumes for the show. If you have problems or questions call my cell or call me at school.
Work with your child and make sure they are memorizing the script.

High School is working on selections for our Pops Concert! The date is March 9th the show will be held in Graettinger at 7:00p.m. See you then!!


  1. I'm so happy for you! Seriously, Anne, your "edulog" is awesome! You've stepped outside your comfort zone and have learned and perhaps have enjoyed something very new to you. I will definitely come back to keep tabs - being a lover of music, I am excited to hear about the great things and progress happening within our music program. It was fun listening to your excitement today about this new venture... keep it up! :)

  2. Excited to see the Pops Concert!

    We are working (slowly) on your set for Music Man Jr. Currently we have the Livery Stable sign and the train partially done.

    I will need my plans back to continue...if you think of it.

    I'm looking forward to helping with the musical!
    You know how I LOVE musicals, and this one in particular (I have seen it probably 25 times in my life about 1/3 of thos in person).

    Costumes? Yes. I need to ask my mom about the hats. Will send her an email after I post this!
    She'll be coming up on the 20th...for the ELC Dance Showcase.

    Best wishes, my musical friends, in all of your endeavors!
